Doctoral Dissertations and Masters Theses


Aaron Adams, (Ph.D.)  Spatial Perspectives on COVID-19: Lessons for Future Pandemic PreparednessAdvisor: Cindy Zhang

Yunhe Cue, (Ph.D.)  Bike-sharing: Towards Equitable Urban TransportationAdvisors: Cindy Zhang & Peter Chen.

Quinn Malloy, (Ph.D.)  Auto-dependency, Equity, and Place: A comprehensive assessment of household spending on transportation in the United States.   Advisors:  Carol Atkinson-Palombo & Norman Garrick.

Jake Layburn, (M.A.)  Health Geographic Perspective on Mpox Outbreak in the United StatesAdvisor:  Debarchana Ghosh.


Adam Gallaher, (Ph.D.)  Sustainable Energy Transitions: Exploring Low Carbon Solutions for Transportation and Electricity Production.  Advisor: Cindy Zhang.

Moataz Kilany, (Ph.D.)  Land Use / Land Cover Classification Optimization Using Swarm Algorithms.  Advisor: Cindy Zhang.

Junya Wu (Ph.D.)  Using Excess Heat Factor (EHF) to deepen understanding of heatwaves in the U.S.  Advisor: Anji Seth.


Shamayeta Bhattacharya, (Ph.D.)  SHAKTHI: Studying Healthcare Accessibility among Kothi, Transgender and Hijra IndividualsAdvisor:  Debarchana Ghosh.

Sungmin Jang, (Ph.D.)  The Evolution of American Media Perceptions and Portrayal of Geopolitics on the Korean PeninsulaAdvisor: Nathaniel Trumbull.

Ji Won Suh, (Ph.D.)  Reconstructing and Identifying Historic Land Use Land Cover in Northeastern U.S.Advisor: William Ouimet.

Zhijie “JJ” Zhang, (Ph.D.)  Efficient Recognition of Potential Landslides using Open Access Multi-Source Remotely Sensed Images with Deep Learning ApproachesAdvisor: Cindy Zhang.

Jon Leonard, (M.A.)  User Interpretation associated with Manual Digitization of Stone Walls and Relict Charcoal Hearths using airborne LiDARAdvisor: William Ouimet.



Benbella, Diane, (Ph.D.)  A Geospatial Analysis of Uganda’s Progress and Challenges Towards the Target of “90-90-90” for Ending the HIV EpidemicAdvisor:  Debarchana Ghosh.

Buchanan, Mary, (Ph.D.)  Exploring Landscape Futures for Local Food Production in Northeastern ConnecticutAdvisor:  Carol Atkinson-Palombo.

Wang, Wenjie, (Ph. D.)  Some Studies on Land Cover Change in Connecticut and Land Cover Data Quality ImprovementAdvisor: Cindy Zhang.

Zhang, Bo, (Ph.D.)  Predictive Mapping of Spatial Categorical Variables by Markov Chain Random FieldsAdvisor:  Cindy Zhang.



Acharya, Awanti, (Ph.D.)  A Spatial-Hedonic Regression and Difference-in-Differences Based Study of the Impact of Curb Appeal, Cell Towers, and Flipping on House PricesAdvisor:  Dean Hanink.

Barocci, Antonio, (Ph.D.)  A Geography of Repression. The Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the First Years of the Fascist Special Tribunal 1926-1928Advisor:  Ken Foote

Mkami, Adelina,  (Ph.D.)  Democracy and Place in Practice: Exploring a Community Food NetworkAdvisor:  Ken Foote.

Terbeck, Fabian, (Ph.D.)  Rising Poverty and Diversity in Suburbs: A Decomposition Analysis of Poverty Trends in the Chicago-Joliet-Naperville Metropolitan Area in the 2000sAdvisor:  Ken Foote.

Zhai, Ruiting, (Ph.D.)  Modeling Land Use/Cover Change and Its Effect on Invasive Species in Long Island Sound Watersheds.  Advisor:  Cindy Zhang.


Li, Xueke,  (Ph.D.) Improved Understanding of Trends, Variations, and Causes of Atmospheric Aerosols Using Ground Measurements, Satellite Observations, and Atmospheric Chemistry ModelingAdvisor:  Cindy Zhang.

Megan McCusker Hill, (Ph.D.)  Gully Erosion and Holocene-Anthropocene Environmental Change in southern New EnglandAdvisor: William Ouimet.

Hui Wang, (Ph.D.)  Investigating the Relationship between Hydrological Variation, Land Use/Cover Change and Climate Change at Regional and Local Scales under Future ScenariosAdvisor: Cindy Zhang.

Eli Egan-Anderson, (M.A.)  Mapping Relict Charcoal Hearths in the Northeast US Using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Networks and LIDAR DataAdvisor: William Ouimet.


Neil Oculi, (Ph.D.)  Vulnerability of Small Island Developing States across Multiple ScalesAdvisor: Scott Stephenson.

Shuowei Zhang, (Ph.D.)  Computing Local Fractal Dimension Using Geographical Weighting SchemeAdvisor: Robert Cromley.

Weixing Zhang, (Ph.D.)  A Markov Chain Random Field Cosimulation-Based Approach for Land Cover Post-classification and Urban Growth DetectionAdvisor: Cindy Zhang.


Joseph Danko, (Ph.D.)  The Local Socioeconomic Impact of Destination Redevelopments in Detroit and Las Vegas (1990-2010): A Novel Geographically-Weighted Shift-Share Analysis ApproachAdvisor: Dean Hanink.

Eric Hoffman, (Ph.D.)  Developing a Flexible Disaster Relief Supply Chain ModelAdvisor: Robert Cromley.

Qinglin Hu, (Ph.D.)  An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Unionization in Variations in Income Inequality Across Selected U.S. Metropolitan Areas in 1990, 2000 and 2010Advisor: Dean Hanink.

Kevin Nebiolo, (Ph.D.)  Anticipating the Effects of Economic Displacement in Marine Space with Agent Based ModelsAdvisor: Robert Cromley.

Mengyao Zhang, (Ph.D.)  A Geographical Analysis of Food Access in the Greater Hartford Area of ConnecticutAdvisor: Debarchana Ghosh.


Andrew Huddy, (Ph.D.)  Farming Alone: Factors Influencing Farmland Conversion Along the Rural Urban FringeAdvisor: Jeffrey Osleeb.

Katharine Johnson, (Ph.D.) Investigating Historic Human-Land Use Dynamics in Southern New England Using LiDAR and Geospatial AnalysisAdvisor: Will Ouimet.

Xiaojiang Li, (Ph.D.), Investigating Environmental Inequities in Terms of Street Greenery using Google Street ViewAdvisor:  Cindy Zhang.

Natalia Vorotyntseva, (Ph.D.)  Measuring Segregation Patterns and Change: a Co-Location Quotient ApproachAdvisor:  Robert Cromley.

Karen Johnson, (M.A.)  Prejudice and Discrimination in U.S. Graduate Geography Programs: Reports from Domestic and International StudentsAdvisor: Ken Foote.

Carissa Rutkauskas, (M.A.)  Latinos College Access: Effect of Cultural, Social, and Human Capital on Enrollment within the Metropolitan AreaAdvisor: Thomas Cooke.

Dmitriy Tarasov, (M.A.)  With a National Park Next to Its Downtown:  Forecasting the Distribution of the Economic Impacts of the Coltsville National Historical Park
within Hartford, Connecticut.  Advisor: Dean Hanink.


Kevin Evringham, (Ph.D.) United States Security Alliances in the Asian Pacific: A Pivot from Bi-Lateral to Multi-Lateral in the 21st Century.  Advisor: Nathaniel Trumbull.

Timothy Garceau, (Ph.D.)  A Multi-Scalar Model to Identify the Causes of Decreased Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in the United States.  Advisor: Carol Atkinson-Palombo.

Jose Torres, (Ph.D.) Tourist and Recreational Legacies of World's FairsAdvisor: Nathaniel Trumbull.

Shaolu Yu, (Ph.D.) Transnationalism, Mobility and Identity: the Making of Place in Flushing, New York City.  Advisor: Priscilla McCutcheon.


Marcello Graziano, (Ph.D.) Adoption of diffused Renewal Energy Technologies:  Patterns and Drivers of Residential Photovoltaic (PV) Systems in Connecticut, 2005-2013. Advisor: Carol Atkinson-Palombo.

Kristen Keegan, (Ph.D.) Economic Diversity, Growth and Development in Early Nineteenth Century Connecticut. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Naomi Lazarus, (Ph.D.) Evaluating Community Resilience under Conditions of an Environmental Disaster: The Case of the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill. Advisor: Jeffrey Osleeb.


George Bentley, (Ph.D.) Analyzing Land Covers in the context of Kuznets Curves. Advisor: Dean Hanink.

Benjamin Franek (Ph.D). On Stream Assessment: Human Perception and Spatiotemporal Delineation of Geomorphic Units. Advisor:  Nathaniel Trumbull.

Jie Lin, (Ph.D.) Intelligent Isopleth Mapping. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Zhiqiang Liu, (Ph.D.) Geographical Concentration of Manufacturing Industries in China -- Measurements and Determinants. Advisor: Dean Hanink.

Cary Lynch, (Ph.D.) Observed and Projected Climate Variability in the Northeast United States from CMIP5. Advisor: Anji Seth.

Allison Bradshaw (M.A.)  A Spatial Analysis of West Nile Virus in Texas, 2012Advisor:  Debarchana Ghosh.

Dean Chauvin (M.A.)  Advanced Techniques in Emergency Preparedness and GeoprocessingAdvisor:  Jeffrey Osleeb.

Logan Thomas, (M.A.)  The Status of Economic and Social Rights in AppalachiaAdvisor: William Berentsen.


Kevin Evringham, (M.A.) The United States Military Realignment on Okinawa. Advisor: Nathaniel Trumbull.

Patrick Gallagher, (M.A.) Creating a Pedestrian Level-of-Service Index for Transit Stops : Evidence from Denver’s Light Rail System. Advisor: Carol Atkinson-Palombo.

Jonathan Pollak, (M.A.) An Integrated Approach for Developing Adaptation Strategies in Climate Planning: A Case Study of Vulnerability in Dukes County, Massachusetts. Advisor: Carol Atkinson-Palombo.


Christopher Rappa, (M.A.) New England's Retail Landscape: An Analysis of the County-level Restructuring: 1988-2008. Advisor: Jeffrey Osleeb.

Jebediah Stevens, (M.A.) Exploring Symbolic Aspects of Human-Environment Interaction in a Socially Constructed Coastscape:  Sense of Place in Coastal Maine. Advisor: Nathaniel Trumbull.


Paul Fernald, (Ph.D) Asian Americans in New England: Settlement and Business Patterns, 1980-2002. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Benjamin Spaulding, (Ph.D) A Game Theoretic Approach to the Maximal Covering Prevention Location Problem. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Jeanne Thibeault, (Ph.D) Changing Climate in the Bolivian Altiplano. Advisor: Anji Seth.

Jie Lin, (M.A.) Using Geographically Weighted Regression to Solve the Areal Interpolation Problem. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Marshall Rivers, (M.A.) A Spatial Analysis of Votor Turnout in Windham, Connecticut from 2005 Through 2008. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Daxiang Zhang, (M.A.) Contrail Detection Using Object-oriented Based Classification and Interpolation Based on Geostatistics. Advisor: Chuanrong Zhang.


Peter Hayward, (Ph.D) The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) and Health Disparities. Advisor: Jeffrey Osleeb.


Akito Michimi, (Ph.D) Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Cardiovascular Disease in the United States and England:  A Comparison of Data from National Health Surveillance Databases. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Melanie Rapino, (Ph.D) Gender Roles and Spatial Entrapment. Advisor: Thomas Cooke.

Graham Boardman, (M.A.) Science to support dam removal decisions: the geomorphic impacts of Poliak Pond Dam on Umpawaug Pond Brook, Connecticut and recommendations for dam removal. Advisor: Melinda Daniels.

Brandon Cramer, (M.A.) Spatial Analysis of Alcohol-Related Mortality in Connecticut, 1985-2004. Advisor: Jeffrey Osleeb.

Stephanie Derrick, (M.A.) Solving the location set covering problem in a bounded plane. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Thomas Fischetti, (M.A.) Economic Restructuring in the United States: 1988-1999. Advisor: Alexander Vias.

Natalie Vibert, (M.A.) Regeneration of Woody Vegetation in the Southern Connecticut River Floodplain. Advisor: Melinda Daniels.

Paul Woodworth, (M.A.) Assessment of Changes in Hydraulic Habitat from the Removal of Poliak Pond Dam on Umpawaug Pond Brook in Redding, Connecticut. Advisor: Melinda Daniels.


C. Patrick Heidkamp, (Ph.D) Credence Attributes and Land Use: Eco-labeled Coffee. Advisor: Dean Hanink.

Kei Man (Betty) Chau, (M.A.) Second Generation Chinese Immigrants’ Degree of Assimilation in the United States. Advisor: Thomas Cooke.

Jason Miller, (M.A.) Interpreting Tectonics From Geomorphic Metrics in the Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan. Advisor: Melinda Daniels.

Nicholas McNamara, (M.A.) Siting Commodities Distribution Points for Emergency Preparedness in Western Connecticut Coastal Towns Using a Loosely-Coupled GIS-SAS Model. Advisor: Robert Cromley.


F. Tyler Huffman, (Ph.D.) Assessing the Impact of Uncertainties and Errors on Multi-Criteria Evaluation Procedures when using Remote Sensing Derived Land Cover Input Data. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Grant Gritzmacher, (M.A.) A Comparison of Four Methods of Estimating Bed Shear Stress Using Three-Dimensional Velocity Data From Natural Meandering Channels With and Without Large Woody Debris. Advisor: Melinda Daniels.

Bryan Jones, (M.A.) Estimating Age-Specific Inter-Regional Migration Using Infant Migration Propensity: The Case of Iceland. Advisor: William Berentsen.

Heather Pierce, (M.A.) A Planform Analysis of Channel Change on the Housatonic River in Southwestern Massachusetts. Advisor: Melinda Daniels.

Benjamin Spaulding, (M.A.) Integrating the Maximum Capture Location Problem Into a GIS Framework. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Elizabeth Spencer, (M.A.) Riffle Microhabitats: Linking Geomorphology to Aquatic Macoinvertibrate Community Compositions within Riffle Systems. Advisor: Melinda Daniels.


Tatiana Serebriakova, (Ph.D.) Mapping Radiation from External and Internal Sources in Belarus from the Chernobyl Disaster: Implications for Epidemiological Analysis. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Gregory Cutrera, (M.A.) Analyzing the Accessibility of Grocery Stores to Low-Income Neighborhoods. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Mara Kaminowitz, (M.A.) A Geographic Information System for Assessing Physical and Environmental Risks to Historic Sites in Northeastern Connecticut. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Sarah Marchant, (M.A.) The Shifting Landscape of Concentrated Metropolitan Poverty 1980-2000. Advisor: Thomas Cooke.

Megan McCusker, (M.A.) The Geomorphic Effects of Low-Head Dams upon the Sediment Regime of Connecticut Fluvial Systems. Advisor: Melinda Daniels.

Cathyann Yellen, (M.A.) Examining the ‘Brain Drain': A Temporal and Spatial Pattern Analysis of the Emigration of University of Connecticut Graduates From the State of Connecticut. Advisor: Alexander Vias.


David Merwin, (Ph.D.) A Neural Network Approach to Solving Areal Interpolation Problems. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Edmund Zolnik, (Ph.D.) A Multilevel Model of U.S. Internal Migration. Advisor: Dean Hanink.

Daniel Grossman, (M.A.) Relieving Congestion Along the I-95 Corridor Through Entrance Ramp Closures: A Shortest Path Approach. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

David Humphreys, (M.A.) Siting of Wireless Network Antennae: A Location Set-Covering Approach Using Three Dimensional Viewshed Analyses. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Martyn Smith (M.A.) A Comparison of Quantitative Methods Used to Measure Coastal Change Using GIS. Advisor: Robert Cromley.


Kristopher White, (Ph.D.) Regional Economic Change in the Northern Forest: An Empirical Examination. Advisor: Dean Hanink.

Katherine Blankley , (M.A.) Examining Boundary and Scale Effects in Multi-criteria Evaluation Perfomed Within a Raster Based Geographic Information System. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Kevin Fleming , (M.A.) The Regulation of Public Space in Hartford Connecticut: The Criminalization of the Homeless. Advisor: William Berentsen.

John Hangen, (M.A.) Fallout: The Aftermath of a Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning on a Rural Municipality. Advisor: William Berentsen.

C. Patrick Heidkamp, (M.A.) Waterfront Revitalization, Gentrification and Capital on the Waterfront – An Analysis of Waterfront Revitalization in Two Small Port Cities: Portsmouth, NH and Newport, RI. Advisor: William Berentsen.

Chinekwu Obidoa, (M.A.) Geographical Analysis of HIV/AIDS Infection in Nigeria. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Stephen Scobie, (M.A.) Geographic Contingency and Commuting Time. Advisor: Thomas Cooke.


Julie Annino, (Ph.D.) Travel Behavior and Intelligent Transportation Systems. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Mary Melson, (M.A.) Changes in the Spatial Distribution of Women in Connecticut Between 1940 and 2000. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Amie Tillmann, (M.A.) Screams from the Quiet Corner? A Regression Analysis of Crime in Windham County, Connecticut. Advisor: Thomas Cooke.


April Forsman, (M.A.) An Assessment of Satisfaction Among Residents of New Urbanist Communities. Advisor: Thomas Cooke.

Xiaojing Wei, (M.A.) Analyzing the Relationship Between Motor Vehicle Crash Locations, Ambulance Dispatch Sites and Emergency Room Locations Using Data on Motor Vehicle Crash Occurring on State or Local Roads in Northeastern Connecticut. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.


Stephen Baker, (M.A.) Geographic Dimensions of Poverty and Affluence within the Bridgeport-Milford PMSA. Advisor: Peter Halvorson.

Paul Fernald, (M.A.) New Gold Mountain: Contrasts in Chinese Migration and Settlement Patterns in Australia. Advisor: Wei Li.

F. Tyler Huffman, (M.A.) Automated Label Point Annotation as a Location Set Covering Problem. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

David Merwin, (M.A.) Applying Artificial Neural Networks for Spatial Interpolation of Digital Elevation Models. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Adam Winters, (M.A.) Analyzing Coverage Areas for Emergency Medical Services in the North Central Connecticut Region. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Edmund Zolnik, (M.A.) Urban Social Indicators: Canada and the USA. Advisor: Thomas Cooke.


Stewart Crone, (M.A.) An Analysis of Redistricting Connecticut Congressional Districts Following the 2000 Census. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Kevin Nolan, (M.A.) Facility Location in a Competitive Environment. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Brian Pope, (M.A.) Creating a Campus Accessibility Map for the Disabled. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.


Stephen Martin, (M.A.) The Modifiable Areal Unit Problem and Its Effect on Environmental Equity Studies. Advisor: Dean Hanink.

Paul Samara, (M.A.) Urban Change Detection Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data During Different Real Estate Market Cycles in Connecticut. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Christine Seidel, (M.A.) A Watershed Analysis Method to Predict Base Flow Water Quality Using GIS and Landscape Spatial Pattern Analysis: Tolland County , Connecticut - Winter Season. Advisor: Robert Andrle.

Matthew Stutts, (M.A.) Evaluating the Spatial Demands for U.S. National Battleground Parks. Advisor: Dean Hanink.


Stacey Barron, (M.A.) Journey-to-work Patterns Among University of Connecticut Employees: An Empirical Examination of Commuting Distances and Times Using Survey Methodology. Advisor: Peter Halvorson.

Jeffrey Crocker, (M.A.) Regional Accessibility Between the European Union and East-Central Europe: An Analysis and Application of the Market Potential and Aggregate Travel Models. Advisor: William Berentsen.

William Kida, (M.A.) Using Delphi to Couple an External Linear Programming Model to ArcView. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Alexander Mavrides, (M.A.) Siting a Municipal Composting Facility in Mansfield, Connecticut and Developing and Efficient Yard Waste Collection Routing Scheme Using Geographic Information Systems. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Jennifer Roberts (M.A.) An Analysis of Availability and Accessibility of Mammography Facilities in Connecticut Using a Singly Constrained Spatial Interaction Model. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.


Richard Mrozinski, (M.A.) A Methodology for the Spatial Interpolation of Area Units. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Thomas Mueller, (M.A.) Spatial Variation of Mortgage Lending in the Capitol Planning Region. Advisor: Peter Halvorson.

Kristine Noviello, (M.A.) A Comparison of the Air Passenger Industry and the Air Cargo Industry with Respect to Hub Locations. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Michael Olkin, (M.A.) Assessment of Geographical Skills Acquired by Gifted Middle School Students Using GIS in a Constructive Learning Environment. Advisor: Judith Meyer.

Gerald Palmer, (M.A.) A Market Area Analysis of Corporate and Franchise Networks in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Kristopher White, (M.A.) Atlantic Salmon Restoration: A Geographic Analysis. Advisor: Dean Hanink.


Christina Cullen, (M.A.) Public Housing Concentration: Assessment of a New Policy to Change This Pattern. Advisor: Peter Halvorson.

Elizabeth Frederic, (M.A.) Barn Preservation in Maine. Advisor: John Allen.

Michael Jurmu, (M.A.) Morphology of a Wetland Stream. Advisor: Robert Andrle.

Thomas Kolbe, (M.A.) Circum-Pacific Trade and APEC: An Empirical Analysis. Advisor: Dean Hanink.

Ronald Trotta, (M.A.) Religious Participation and Demographic Change: A Study of the Unchurched in America. Advisor: Peter Halvorson.


Jane Evancie, (M.A.) A Methodology for Determining Regional High Technology Agglomeration Potential. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Kevin Joy, (M.A.) Estimating Child Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Transmission Lines in Hartford County, Connecticut. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Jacqueline MacInnis, (M.A.) Spatial Patterns and Determining Factors in the Adoption of Curbside versus Drop-off Recycling. Advisor: John Allen.

Scott November, (M.A.) Multi-objective Analysis of School District Regionalization Alternatives in Connecticut. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Jeffrey Sanders, (M.A.) An Economic Assessment of the Trade and Investment Patterns of U.S. and Mexico with Implications for the North American Free Trade Agreement. Advisor: Dean Hanink.


Paul Davis, (M.A.) Historical Geography of Land Preservation in the Joshua's Tract Area of Connecticut. Advisor: John Allen.

Russell Gaulin, (M.A.) Remote Sensing and GIS Analysis of Land Use Sustainability in Hill Forests of Southeast Asia 's Golden Triangle Region. Advisor: John Allen.

Ted Milligan, (M.A.) Changing Spatial Patterns of Urban Poverty. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Stephen Pritchard, (M.A.) A Method for Highway Corridor Selection using Network Modelling. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Tracy Smith, (M.A.) Institutional Responses to Demographic Change: A Case Study of Religious Denominations in America. Advisor: Peter Halvorson.


Valerie Kier, (M.A.) The Economic Impacts of Ukrainian Independence as Evaluated by Input-Output Analysis and Trade Theory. Advisor: William Berentsen.

Paul O'Packi, (M.A.) A Spatial Decision Support System for Managing a Home-delivered Meals Service. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Danny Stewart, (M.A.) Income as a Measure of Social and Economic Patters Within Various Regional Configurations. Advisor: Peter Halvorson.


Barbara Hackney, (M.A.) Measuring Diversity in Connecticut's Housing Stock. Advisor: Ellen Cromley.

Jennifer Young, (M.A.) Human Manipulation of the Historical Hudson Shoreline. Advisor: John Allen.


Amy Hoyt, (M.A.) An Historical Risk Identification System. Advisor: John Allen.


Stephen Morse, (M.S.) A Multi-objective Approach to Evaluating Line Generalization. Advisor: Robert Cromley.

Richard Annitto, (M.S.) MARKMAP: A Geographic Information System For Market Area Analysis. Advisor: Robert Cromley.