Author: Rich

From Policy to Practical: UConn Students, Alumni Use Personal Strengths to Address Climate Change

A recent UConn Today article discussing the University’s initiatives to tackle climate change through research, policy advocacy, and more.  Featured in the first segment of the video is Anji Seth discussing the importance of UConn sending a group of undergraduates to the COP26 climate summit held in Glasgow this past fall. Check out the article […]

Six Geography Grads presenting At AAG

Six Geography Graduate student are presenting at the upcoming AAG conference.  Click talk name for abstract.   Shamayeta Batttacharya Analyzing access to healthcare among gender diverse communities using a critical accessibility framework Feb 25 / 9:40am – 11:00am Dan Kraemer Early-stage real estate dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic: A geospatial analysis of the New York […]

Debs Ghosh elected a National Councilor of the AAG

Congratulations to Professor Debs Ghosh for being elected as an AAG Counsilor. The Council is the governing body of the American Association of Geographers and guides its programs and sets its policies.  The Council includes nine members elected by the AAG’s regional divisions, six elected nationally (like Debs), one student, one international councilor, the elected […]

UConn GIScience major receives prestigious Fellowship at US DOT

Aidan Caron, a GIScience major at UConn, received a prestigious Geospatial Data Creation and Curation Fellowship in the U.S. Department of Transportation. Aidan is a junior undergraduate student with double-majors in GIScience and Political Science. He developed his interest in geospatial data upon taking courses related to urban accessibility, transportation geography, and American politics. “This […]