Professor Boyer named one of UConn Baseball’s MVPs

Professor Mark Boyer was chosen as one of UConn Baseball’s MVP (Most Valuable Professors).  The baseball team acknowledges Dr. Boyer’ dedication to academics which helps enhance the student-athlete experience at UConn.  Dr. Boyer (and the other MVPs) were recognized at the UConn Baseball home game on Friday, May 10th.       Here are photo’s […]

Professor Atkinson-Palombo Receives Environmental Leadership Award

Professor Carol Atkinson-Palombo is one of the recipients of the 2017-2018 UConn Environment Leadership Award. The Environmental Leadership Awards were created as a way to recognize individuals who have worked alone or with other groups to support UConn’s environmental sustainability efforts on campus and in the community.  Nominations are submitted from faculty members, staff members, […]

Geography Grads Win AAG Awards

Congratulations to Antonio Barocci and Diane Benbella for winning several awards at this years American Association of Geographers conference.   Diane Benbella won the 2nd place in the poster competition in the Geography, GIScience and Health: Spatial Aspects of Cancer, NCDs and Health Behavior section. The session was sponsored by the International Journal of Environmental […]

Geography faculty in the news

Professor Ouimet was recently interviewed by Scientific American for an article titled:  Going with the Flow:  Waterfalls Can Form Spontaneously.  The article focuses on understanding how these breathtaking features form helps scientist interpret geologic history.           Professor Atkinson-Palombo was recently on NPR‘s Where We Live program lending her expertise about autonomous […]

Prof. DasGupta wins Global Challenges Research Fund Workshop Award

Assistant Professor Debanuj DasGupta wins Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Workshop Award. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) is a £1.5 billion fund announced by the UK Government in late 2015 to support cutting-edge research that addresses the challenges faced by developing countries. Professor DasGupta will be collaborating with C0-PI Dr. Trude Sunberg at the […]