in memoriam: Thomas Lewis

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you of the passing of Tom Lewis on January 26, 2017. For those who did not know Tom, he spent 15 years as an Associate Professor-in-Residence here in the UConn Geography Department after teaching 29 years at Manchester Community College.  He also served as the Connecticut […]

Geography graduate student Joey Danko wins NESTVAL award

Congratulations go out to Joey Danko for winning the Graduate Student Paper Award at the 2016 NESTVAL meeting. Joey’s paper, titled The Local Socioeconomic Impact of Destination Redevelopments in Las Vegas (1990-2010): A Shift-Share Analysis Approach, was presented in the Urban Geography 2: City Planning and Development session of the New England – St. Lawrence Valley […]

Professor Ghosh to give lectures at Winter School on Geospatial Technologies

Professor Ghosh to give lectures at Winter School on Geospatial Technologies, Chitakara University, Himachal Pradesh, India Dec 7th-9th 2016. Dr. Ghosh has been invited as a guest lecturer to a Winter School on Geospatial technologies and Applications held at the Chitkara University.  The 21-day (1st December – 21st December, 2016) Winter School focuses on the […]

Professor Ghosh to give colloquium at SFSU

Dr. Debs Ghosh has been invited to give a colloquium at San Francisco State University.  The title of her talk is:  Beyond the Ivory Tower: Integrating Research and Teaching using Community Based Participatory Research. Her talk describes a research project titled, Picture my (un)healthy community: A youth photovoice project at three geographic scales’, a community based participatory research technique that […]

Professor Foote gives insight to Sandy Hook and 9/11 memorialization

Professor Foote’s book Shadowed Ground: America’s Landscapes of Violence and Tragedy was recently referenced in a NY Times Magazine article concerning the tragedy at Sandy Hook.  The NY Times article can be found at:   Professor Foote was also recently interviewed for two blog posts from the Ford’s Theatre in DC about a new […]

Geography professors selected as UConn’s Environmental Policy Advisory Council members

Professors Carol Atkinson-Palombo and Anji Seth have been selected as at-large members for the UConn Environmental Policy Advisory Council (EPAC). EPAC is advisory to the UConn President, Provost, and other senior administrators about strategies for enhancing UConn’s environmental performance. More info about the EPAC can be found here: