The Geography Department would like to congratulate Shaolu Yu, Mengyao Zhang, and Megan McCusker Hill for receiving student awards at the 2015 AAG conference. Shaolu earned several awards: Economic Geography Specialty Group – Best student paper award (paper titled: “I’m like a deaf, dumb and blind person: the immobility of Chinese in Flushing New […]
Professor Foote to give keynote address at Oklahoma City bombing symposium.
Professor Ken Foote will give a keynote address in April at the University of Oklahoma for “Terror, Trauma, Memory: Symposium Dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing.” Read more…
Professor Trumbull to give talk at U.S.-Russia Forum
Dr. Nat Trumbull will be giving a talk at the 35th Annual US-Russia Forum in Washington DC on March 25. His talk is about the educational project “Best Practices of Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants in the U.S. and Russia”. See for more information.
Geography MA student earns Fulbright U.S. Student research grant.
Congratulations to Geography MA student Timothy Ravis, who has been selected for a 2015-16 Fulbright U.S. Student research grant for his project Local Action, Global Policy: Metropolitan Planning in Decentralized Indonesia.
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Dr. Atkinson-Palombo appointed to the Transportation Research Board
Congratulations to Dr. Atkinson-Palombo who was recently named to the Transportation Research Board.
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Two Geography professors selected for new UConn mid-career scientist program.
Professors Anji Seth and Chuanrong Zhang have been selected for a new UConn program to fund membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science for promising mid-career scientists.
Dr. Foote to give talk at the University of Victoria
Dr. Ken Foote to present one of this year’s The City Talks at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.
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Geography professors receive teaching commendations
Congratulations to Professors Nat Trumbull, Adam Keul, Ken Foote and Will Ouimet. All four received commendations from the Provost for high teaching evaluations for the fall semester 2014.
Professor Atkinson-Palombo receives award from American Real Estate Society
Dr. Carol Atkinson-Palombo from the Department of Geography and Ben Hoen (from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) have received the Marc Louargand Best Research Paper Award in 2014 from the American Real Estate Society for their work on the impact of wind turbines on property values in Massachusetts. Read more…
Geography PhD student selected as 2015 Diplomacy and Diversity Fellow
Congratulations to Geography PhD student Neil Oculi, who has been selected as one of the 2015 Diplomacy and Diversity Fellows. Neil will join 23 other outstanding American and European emerging leaders this May for an intensive program about international relations and global diversity. Read more…